By: John Bradley
The Town of Claverack and its Climate Smart Committee have been approved by NYSERDA to participate in the Electric Vehicle Clean Energy Campaign. This campaign will promote the purchase/lease of electric vehicles and is similar to the heat pump campaign. If 5 EV purchases or leases are recorded by residents, the town will be eligible to receive a $5,000 grant, which it can use for other climate actions.
The heat pump campaign benefited the town and residents who installed them and are eligible for a rebate and tax credit. Our goal was to encourage 5 residential heat pump installations for a $5,000 grant. However, as a result of Climate Smart volunteers efforts, we surpassed that goal and Claverack will be awarded $25,000 for the 15 heat pump installs in the town. These funds will be applied to some aspect of the town garage Decarbonization Project.
NYSERDA is publicizing the many aspects of purchasing and driving an EV, including generous rebates through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). More information on rebates is available on the NYSERDA Electric Vehicles website. The purchase must take place after May 28, the date when Claverack was approved by NYS. We will be able to gather information on EV purchases within the Claverack zip codes from the DMV. If you or someone you know purchases or lease an EV in the near future, please let us know by emailing us at